Mixed Beef And Vegetable Burgers

As I have mentioned earlier we must consume as many vegetables as we possible can,  in any way or form,  because they contain lots of water. I definitely do not mean that we should become vegetarians.

Having had some washed up vegetables from the previous day's recipe "Mixed Roasted Vegetables" I thought of processing, ground beef, a zucchini, a medium sized eggplant, an onion and an orange bell pepper into as much of a paste as possible then to just.....

Serves 4

-  600 gms prime ground beef.
-  1 medium zucchini.
-  1 medium onion.
-  1 medium eggplant.
-  1 orange, yellow, or red bell pepper. Not green.
-  ¼ cup flaked almonds.
-  2 Tbsp. olive oil.
-  Soy sauce and / or Worcestershire sauce.
-  Pepper, za'atar, thyme, or oregano to taste.
-  No salt.

-  Cut up all the above in small pieces into your food processor.

- Add oil.
- Add your herbs.
- Do not add soy and / or Worcestershire sauce yet.
- Run your food processor until the contents are processed into a paste.

- Heat some olive oil into a large non stick pan.
- Using a soup spoon, dollop big spoon fulls onto the hot pan on high heat.

- Form  burger shapes with your spoon.
- Cook overturning until firm.
- Add soy and or Worcestershire sauce and let cook a few seconds to give the wanted color.

Serve with a very thinly sliced cabbage salad and a low calorie dressing of your preferences.

As usual, enjoy!


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