Easy Thickly Cut Orange Marmalade Flavored With Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.... Special!

There are many orange marmalades. I can say that I have come up with the perfect taste for my liking. Orange marmalade is my favorite jam especially when spreading over salted butter on crunchy, hot, bread. Every year around this time I make a few jars of it to last us the whole year...
You will need:
-  3 kg of oranges.
-  Equal quantity of granulated sugar.

-  Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch Whiskey to taste.
-  Wash oranges well.
-  Insert in a big pot with water and boil for 45 minutes.
-  Let cool completely.
-  Cut top and bottom of each orange and discard.
-  Cut orange in the middle from top to bottom.
-  Cut a V-shaped piece from the center to get rid of the middle fibers.
-  Using a serrated knife, slice as thinly as possible all the oranges.
-  Weigh whatever you cut.
-  Use as much sugar as the weight of the oranges minus 50 - 100 gr to taste not to make the marmalade too sweet. The rule of thumb is to use as much sugar as weight of oranges.
-  Add the sliced oranges and the sugar in a big pot, mix well, and bring to a boil.
-  Keep boiling and stirring occasionally to prevent from sticking for 30 minutes to one hour.

My personal touch is:
Although the original recipe calls for 30 minutes boiling, I boil the marmalade for 45 to 60 minutes till the sugar caramelizes slightly, the color turns brown, then I add single malt scotch whiskey.
-  While the marmalade is still hot, fill the hot sterilized jars to the brim, cover tightly, and invert till completely cold.
Ready to be enjoyed.


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