Σφύριδα Στο Γκριλ...White Fish In Oven Grill And Steamed Cauliflower

Today we are having "White Fish" slices for lunch. For my Greek friends and specially one friend living in The Hague White Fish is Γλαύκος or Σφυρίδα.They are big round slices which look very appetizing. We buy them frozen from the supermarket.  We must eat fish at least once a week. In other words we must eat everything which contains lots of water....and on top of that we have to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Except for some crazy appetites, we try to eat healthy! I would like to share with you this wet, cold, sad Sunday a recipe which is coming out of my blue (not "the"blue, my blue)...Oven grilled White Fish with various spices served with steamed cauliflower...
 Fish, as you know, cooks very quickly. In 10 minutes ( 5 minutes each side) under a hot grill and it will be ready.
You will need
Serves 3
-  3 slices of White Fish as per photo.

-  1 onion roughly chopped.
-  4 cloves of garlic.
-  1 tsp. cumin
-  1 tsp. cayenne.
-  ½ tsp. cinnamon.
-  1 Tbsp. black mustard seeds.
-  ½ bunch celery
-  1 habanero.
-  2 Tbsp. olive oil.
-  1Tbsp. cinder vinegar.
-  Salt and pepper.
-  Combine all of the above except fish in a small blender and make into a paste.

-  Marinate fish on both sides.
-  Grill for 5 minutes on each side.
Serve with the steamed cauliflower.

Et bon appétit,


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