Sweet Salad By Maria...For Warm Weather

Here is a delicious and fresh salad for a pool-side snack on a hot summer day.
You will need:
Serves 6
-  200 gms of fresh baby spinach washed well and pat on a kitchen towel to dry.
-  100 gms of blue cheese in small chunks (optional).
-  50 gms of dried prunes with no seed cut in slices.
-  50 gms of dried apricots cut in cubes.
-  2 juicy sweet oranges or clementines cut in thin wedges.
-  2 Tbsp. olive oil.
-  ½ Tbsp. of cider vinegar to taste.
-  Salt and pepper to taste.
-  Combine all the above in a large salad bowl and toss.
Serve with normal grissini, toasted pita bread or Italian schiacciatine (flat and thin slices of crunchy grissini type pastry).


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