Sauce No.5 for Pasta: Calamari/Mussels/Garlic/Chilli

This is a very colorful and tasty sauce when you invite friends over who share the same tastes with you. The whole dish is quite impressive especially when black tagliolini (made with the black ink of the cuttlefish). Tagliolini are thin tagliatelle.
You will need: 
Serves 4:
-  500 gms of black tagliolini.
- 1 1/2 kg of frozen calamari rings thawed and strained.(They shrink when cooked).
- 1/2 kg of frozen mussels without the shell.
- 3 cloves of garlic well crushed and cut very small.
- 1 cup of very thinly cut parsley.
- 1 Chilli
- Olive oil (prefer Greek extra virgin Kalamata Olive oil).
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- In a large sauce pan, put enough oil to cover the center of the pan.
- Heat well, add the crushed garlic, stir till that nice aroma reaches you, add the chilli, then add the Kalamari and Mussels, stir fry. You will see that both the Calamari and Mussels will let go of their liquids, season with salt and pepper, add the parsley and mix well.
- When the tagliolini are cooked exactly the time required, strain.
- Transfer to a large serving dish.
- Pour the sauce evenly over the pasta.
- Serve very hot.
Tip: Always keep some of the water the pasta has been boiling in in case you want to make your sauce more fluid. The starch in the water will also help thicken the sauce.
The taste of the black tagliolini, mixes very well with the calamari and the mussels.


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