Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes With Goat/Cream Cheese...More Tappas!

As I am proceeding towards the end of my Odessy and finally reaching my Ithaka An Ancient Greek proverb says that every person on this Earth is a Ulysses searching for Ithaka " and when this man succeeds in life, is content and happy, he can say that he has finally reached 'his' Ithaka." I find this saying so romantic!!
I am proposing easy recipes so I will be remembered as the "Guy with the hot food but easy recipes". This Tappas, finger food, appetizers, meze, whatever you would like to call it is easy, quick, and inexpensive....
You will need:
Serves 48 half stuffed tomatoes.
-  2 dozen cherry tomatoes.
-  250 gr of goat cheese.
-  250 gr cream cheese.
-  ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil
-  Chopped chives or capers.
-  Very little salt and a twist of the pepper mill.
-  Cut each cherry tomato in half.
-  Carefully clean out the tomato from inside seeds and juices like you would if you you were to prepare baked stuffed tomatoes, leaving the shell empty.
-  Mix goat cheese, olive oil, and cream cheese till they are one whole homogenous mixture.
-  Add salt and pepper to taste.
-  Stuff each half of the cherry tomato with the cheese mixture as best as you can with a spoon or a that special syringe with the different shaped outlets.
-  Top with a pinch of chives or one caper.
Serve as an appetizer at table with 1 or 2 slices of prosciutto or alone as a simple tapas.
Note: No pictures today but I believe they are simple to make and do not need pictures. 


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